President's Message

What president say about CRPS

Welcome to C.R. Public Schol. It came into existence with the realization of my vision of establishing a unique institution which would impart education par excellence. My aim is to provide multi-facet comprehensive and quality education, so that this institution may serve the society by producing excellent citizen with knowledge, wisdom and character.

Our top priority is academic excellence. But our endeavor is also to provide our students with as many co curricular and social skills as are needed to achieve the pinnacle of success.

Dear children, the success ladder is not so difficult to climb as it seems to be. When we are at the lowest rung of the ladder, the top appears a mammoth task to climb up. But hard work, strong determination, self confidence and perseverance blended with realistic goal will make things easier.

Wishing you all the best.
Mr. Satpal Palu
Jat Educational Institutions,